2-Pack Journal No. 1-2, Black, Lined


A small, light-weight journal for your notes, sketches, and thoughts when you're on-the-go. Perfect for traveling or just carrying around.

 More Info:

  • A light-weight, hardbound journal with an elastic closure
  • Scientific, financial and statistical calculator
  • 5.5" X 8.25" dot paper, lined
  • Lined Journal No. 1-2

* Please don't use two identically numbered lined journals at the same time. Your Pulse smartpen will recognize all identically numbered lined journals as the same journal.

Each dot paper product is numbered 1 though 8. Lined Journals No. 3-4 will be available online in July.

In the future, Livescribe Desktop will allow users to archive their old notes and start a new identically numbered lined journal.

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